SHIPSTA Company News and Events

Meet Our Crew: Roby Radica

Written by shipsta | Jul 27, 2021 8:00:00 AM

In this month's Meet Our Crew, we are talking to Software Developer Roby Radica. He's part of our superstar development team which is responsible for every exciting product release here at SHIPSTA. 

So, let's set sail with Roby and learn something new about this ShipstSTAR... 

Meet our crew member Roby:

  • Position: Software Developer
  • Location: Luxembourg
  • Department at SHIPSTA: Technology & Data
  • Working for SHIPSTA since: August 2018
  • Fun fact: In my spare time, I trade the stock market regularly.

1. What do you do at SHIPSTA?

I work as a full-stack developer for SHIPSTA. Most of my time I spend writing Java-Code for all members of the SHIPSTA product line.

When it comes to database connectivity, I also often write SQL scripts. Besides coding, I also gladly support my colleagues from other departments with my knowledge and I often participate in meetings, where we discuss how to solve tasks and coordinate our work in the development team.

Last but not least, I sometimes do some paperwork, like writing technical concepts and documentation, for our products.


2. What did you do before SHIPSTA and how did you find your way to us?

Before SHIPSTA, I worked for a long time at another company where I did my apprenticeship and where I also worked during my studies. There I developed a few totally different web applications in various programming languages. Besides Java, there was PHP, C#, JavaScript, and much more. The current CTO of SHIPSTA, Stefan Maratzki, also worked there which is how we met!

As I was searching for new challenges, I contacted Stefan. SHIPSTA were at this time a small company with just a few employees. Stefan invited me for a cup of coffee and showed me the product line. What I really liked back then was the incredibly good working atmosphere where everyone seemed to have fun. It was clear to me relatively quickly that I would like to work here and thanks to Stefan, I was able to start working for SHIPSTA just a few weeks later.


3. What do you like about working at SHIPSTA?

As I already mentioned above, SHIPSTA has a very good working atmosphere. All members of the crew are very friendly and everyone takes the time to support each other. Everyone is professional but there’s also always room for fun during work.

On the technical side, we have a good technical stack. It’s very fun to write web applications with Java, Spring, and GWT. Using the same programming language for front and backend makes it very easy to write good clean code - and that's basically what every programmer wants to do.


4. What do you think makes SHIPSTA unique as an employer?

In my opinion, it is in the first line the team. Since I started three years ago, SHIPSTA has grown enormously, but nevertheless, everyone is still pulling in the same direction and supporting each other. There is a flat hierarchy and everybody has respect for the work of the other team members. We have new challenges every day and we are solving them as a team. No one stands alone with a problem.


5. Can you tell us any fun logistics or eProcurement insights you learnt since starting working at SHIPSTA?

To be honest, when I started for SHIPSTA I didn’t know much about logistics and I had a lot to learn. As an IT-specialist who is used to always using the newest technologies, I found it very strange that even large companies are using Excel spreadsheets with thousands of lines to manage their tenders. That was something that I never would expect - and it's exciting working at SHIPSTA to help bring procurement into the digital age. 

Does our development team sound like a good fit for you? We're currently recruiting for other software developers to join Roby in our development team. Click the button below to check out our latest job openings. 


SHIPSTA is a digital platform that connects shippers and carriers to ensure a frictionless procurement process for spot and contract buying, entirely online. It automates complex tasks, provides unrivalled visibility and supports fast data-driven decision making.

Designed and built by experts in logistics procurement, SHIPSTA is bringing transparency, automation and efficiency to the global logistics industry. It is used by some of the world’s largest companies to respond to market volatility, control freight costs and manage risk. The company was founded in 2015 and is based in Mertert, Luxembourg and Hamburg, Germany.